“Feline’s Change of Heart: From Outdoor to Indoor Living”

The feline who used to roam the streets of the neighborhood till late hours finally made a decision to try out living indoors after spending several years outside.

fluffy sweet cat

Arthus, a black and white cat with long fur, had been roaming the streets of Montreal. He eventually found himself among other feral cats who relied on the generosity of a nearby resident to feed them. However, as the number of stray cats in the area grew, animal rescuers came to their aid. They worked tirelessly to spay and neuter the cats and find them foster homes, with the help of various rescue groups. Despite their efforts, one cat remained unrescued – a scruffy male cat named Arthus, covered in dirt and tangled fur.

stray fluffy cat

A group of cats was discovered with him in a residential area. Celine from ChatonsOrphelins Montreal stated that he had resided in the same area for two winters and had survived the harsh weather conditions. The neighbor confirmed that he would come to their house for food on a regular basis and wait outside their door in the morning. However, his health began to deteriorate, and his coat became unkempt after the last winter.

street cat fluffy stray

The cat had extremely tangled fur and required rescue. Despite numerous attempts, he managed to elude the capture traps and became the only remaining stray in the area. Eventually, his hunger got the best of him and he entered a trap set with food by a neighbor. This led to him finally being taken off the streets and receiving proper medical care.

street cat safe

After enduring several years of being homeless, Arthus the cat has finally found a safe place to call home. Due to his traumatic past, Arthus remained cautious around humans and had matted fur that emitted a strong smell of urine. However, he received medical treatment from a trusted veterinarian who helped him alleviate various health concerns. Additionally, his fur was carefully groomed, relieving him of any painful knots. As a result, Arthus felt a lot more comfortable and began to show signs of improvement.

street cat shaven

After his matted fur was removed, Arthus was found to be quite skinny. His body was covered in scars and wounds he had received while living on the streets. He was given a peaceful space where he could unwind and feel safe. Over time, he began to warm up to those around him and learned to trust again. Despite his initial fear, Arthus always wore a gentle expression on his face.

stray cat trust

Arthus gradually learned to trust his carer as he eagerly responded to the gentle touch on his head. With a sense of security, he began to seek more attention and intimacy from his caregiver. His curiosity eventually led him to explore his new environment with confidence. Arthus is now more comfortable with cuddles and even enjoys sitting on his foster mom’s lap, purring contentedly while rubbing his face against her.

sweet foster cat fluffy

Since his rescue, he has shown remarkable progress in his behavior. Arthus is currently in foster care and after a few weeks, he is visibly healthier, happier, and his fur is growing back. This charming little creature is extremely loving and friendly towards humans. He loves to snuggle up close and personal, and his favorite spot is right beside his human’s face.

sweet cat home arthus

The coat of fur on the furry friend is slowly returning, according to comrescuemontreal. The little one is fond of human company and dislikes doors that are shut in the abode. Recently, the feline has been living life to the fullest and behaving like a kitten, which is heartwarming to observe.

sweet cat arthus

Arthus is thoroughly enjoying his existence as a domesticated feline. Whenever he desires to play, he will perform a back roll. His charming demeanor never fails to make people feel welcomed in his presence and brings joy to their hearts.

cat fluffy paw

Arthus is in search of a caring family that resides in a peaceful environment. Given his past, he deserves a life filled with joy and happiness.

sweet fluffy cat arthus

Spread the word and let your pals know about this story. You can find additional information about Arthus in Montreal by checking out their Instagram page.

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