Selena Gomez Shares Her Aspirations of a Future Filled with Marriage and Motherhood

Selena Gomez recently shared some insightful thoughts about mental health. She mentioned that she has intentionally avoided social media to take care of her mental health. This has allowed her to be more present in the moment and connect with people in real-time. She expressed excitement to see her fans because she hasn’t been keeping up with their lives on Instagram. This shows the importance of taking breaks from social media and prioritizing mental health.

Selena Gomez, Giving Back Generation

TaTaTu is a platform where you can watch new episodes of Giving Back Generation every week. The show features interviews with inspiring individuals who are making a difference in the world. As an added bonus, autographed merchandise from the guests will be available for auction on the site. In a recent interview, a popular singer shared her advice for others to take a break from social media to prioritize their mental health. She recommended starting with a day or weekend off to be present in the moment and enjoy life outside of the digital world.

Selena Gomez, Giving Back Generation

The famous personality, who has been candid about her struggles with mental health, revealed in April on Good Morning America that she has refrained from using the internet for more than four years. In an interview with Giving Back Generation, Selena expressed that she does not believe that social media is inherently negative, but rather emphasizes the importance of being mindful of one’s emotions and taking responsibility for them. During the times when she requires support from her friends, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, Selena prefers to converse with them over the phone. She recognizes that reaching out to someone she trusts is crucial in ensuring that she remains on a positive path and does not succumb to negativity.

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