“The Adventure of Mighty Meow: A Chubby Cat’s Quest to Lose 10lbs and Discover a Forever Home”

Purr, Purr! Meet Meow, a hefty cat with a distinctive gait because of his weight. This feline is two years old and has an orange and white tabby coat. His current weight is almost 40 pounds, considerably heavier than most cats. The Santa Fe Animal Shelter has taken it upon themselves to help Meow shed some pounds and get back in shape. The previous owner, an 87-year-old individual, could no longer take care of him, and the cat was surrendered to a shelter in southeastern New Mexico. The shelter then reached out to Santa Fe for support.

Santa Fe Animal Shelter veterinarian Dr. Jennifer Steketee holds Meow, a 2-year-old tabby at the shelter in Santa Fe

Meow, a charming two-year-old tabby, was under the care of Dr. Jennifer Steketee, a veterinarian at Santa Fe Animal Shelter. Unfortunately, Meow passed away after a month due to complications arising from his obesity. Despite his size, Meow had an adorable and innocent face that made him captivating. The shelter assigned Meow to a foster family who started him on a special diet aimed at shedding ten pounds, thus qualifying him for adoption. The shelter plans to share updates on Meow’s weight loss on its Facebook page. Although perplexing, it is uncertain how Meow gained so much weight in just two years, given that adult cats usually weigh between seven and twelve pounds. The shelter’s spokesperson, Ben Swan, suggested that feeding cats a single food item like meat can lead to overeating and unhealthy weight gain since it is not nutritionally balanced.

Meow, a 2-year-old tabby tops the scale at over 39 pounds at the Santa Fe Animal Shelter in Santa Fe

Meow, a two-year-old tabby cat, has become quite popular at the Santa Fe Animal Shelter in Santa Fe due to his weight of over 39 pounds. Although Meow is not the heaviest cat in the world, as that title belongs to Himmy, an Australian tabby weighing almost 47 pounds, Guinness World Records has stopped accepting applications for this record to avoid promoting overfeeding animals. Currently, the shelter is conducting blood tests on Meow to ensure that he does not have any underlying health issues. The shelter is also developing a unique diet plan for Meow to help him gradually lose weight. Extra weight in cats can lead to health problems such as heart and joint issues, which the shelter is working to prevent. Even though Meow is a sweet cat, he finds it challenging to play and tires easily. The shelter is taking every step necessary to assist him.

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